Only $6AUD each!

Lacrosse (LAX) ball. So simple. So effective.

Lacrosse (LAX) ball. So simple. So effective.

These LAX balls are hard rubber with a 64 mm diameter and are great for mobilising the thoracic spine as well as working those trigger points and muscle adhesions that our grid roller and Tiger Tail massage cane can’t reach well.  Get the right tool for the job!

Thoracic mobility is the key to shoulder health! I find that after using the grid roller for the broad surface based mobility work, it is then best to change to the LAX ball(s) for working deeper into the muscle areas that were identified as troublesome when using the grid roller.  Mobilising on the LAX balls is great for improving thoracic mobility and increasing shoulder Range.

After mobilising the thoracic spin in extension and rotation with the grid roller and/or LAX balls, then hit the muscles with Pin & Stretch. Simply lie on the ball and pin the tight muscle point and do 3 or 4 slow, dynamic range of movements aligned with the proper breathing patterns and you can experience substantial increases in range of motion and pain relief. 

At only $6, you can’t go wrong.

Do your body a favour and buy a LAX ball and grid roller together (hey why not throw in a Tiger Tail and stretch band as well if you really want to work your mobility) and start freeing up your body from those trigger points and adhesions!

LAX Ball – Hard rubber, orange only.

Pin and stretch for the posterior shoulder area and capsule

Pin and stretch for the posterior shoulder area and capsule

This is for the superior serratus posterior...this muscles aids rib positioning and hence affects shoulder ROM

This is for the superior serratus posterior...this muscles aids rib positioning and hence affects shoulder ROM